Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shop Empire – compatibilities list

Here is a fast list of compatibilities as I found them in the game Shop Empire.

Beauty Saloon is compatible with Jewelry
Jewelry with Clothing Store and Boutique
Clothing Store with Boutique

Book Store is compatible with Toy Store

Cake – Ice-cream – Burger
Cake – Ice-cream – Burger – Sushi – Café
Steak - Sushi - Burger

Game Arcade - Toy Store - Book Store

The toilets aren’t compatible with anything, its better to place them away from your other stores or you will get minus suitability. The drug store is the only one that can be placed near them.

Play Shop Empire


  1. the restroom is compatible with the elevator

  2. coffeehouse is compatible with restroom

  3. What is drug store compatible with, aside from restroom?

  4. the restroom is compatible with the elevator and the coffee shop. Gadget store, book store, toy store, arcade is the best string combo I have found so far

  5. Tattoo + bookstore
    Icecream + cafe
    Cinema + Cakeshop
    ATM + Arcade
    Liquor + Steak
